Friday, December 3, 2010


I am thankful for my kids who LOVE chocolate AND donuts. This is what happens when you combine the two:

I am thankful for my sweet little boy, who is growing up too fast. When I tell him to slow down he laughs at me and asks if I will cry. I tell him eventually and he laughs some more.
Here he is taking swim lessons at our Rec. Center. He loves the water.

I am thankful for my strong little girl. I knew she was a fighter from the womb but I'm amazed at how tough she is every day. Cooper wrestles with her and she thinks it's the best thing in the world. She's always so tough when she gets her laser treatments done - back to her old self by mid morning.

I am thankful for my husband. He WANTED to take me to the Notre Dame vs. Utah game even when all of his friends where flying SOLO. We had a great time despite a tragic loss - I always have a great time with you, honey!

I am thankful for friends. Here are a few but I have many more who are so supportive and caring. They are my family that I CHOSE and I love you all.

1 comment:

Redd family said...

Hi Amy! It's Sarah Redd. I found you from Michelle Ericksen's blog. Hope you don't mind me peeking. ps e-mail me at and I'll send you an invite to mine (i'm private) your family is darling!