Monday, March 21, 2011

Another Jock in the Family...

I had to post this... I know it's annoying when people go on and ON about their kids but this is MY blog, so I can if I WANT. :)

I wanted to RUN to our Rec Center today where Cooper was having swimming lessons and he INSISTED on running with me. Ok, only 1/2 a mile, if that, no big deal. He ran the whole way and then swam his little heart out. THEN Randy came home and after dinner we decided to stick the kids in the bike trailer and go for a ride. Cooper wasn't having it and ARGUED that he could ride his BIG WHEEL just as fast as we could ride our BIKES. We wanted to ride to the movie store and back - a good 2+ miles - not a big deal for us. We decided to humor him until he got tired and wanted in the trailer (he calls it the BABY trailer). I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I took the rear of our caravan. His little legs just kept pumping and his upper body swayed back and forth when it got steep. Much to our surprise he PEDALED his little heart our, made it there AND BACK and then wanted to ride MORE.

I love my kids!!! Thanks for the entertaining afternoon of exercise Super Cooper!


heidijogoody said...

sounds like he is already one fit kid!

Jessica McKay said...

Any chance Cooper is related to you?