Sunday, January 30, 2011

Christmas Catch-up & January

We've been BUSY! I know, that's life, right? But we've REALLY been busy! Our house went up for sale this week (sigh). I'm going to miss our sweet home where we brought 2 babies back from the hospital... so many changes since we bought it 4.5 years ago.
That means we've been CLEANING... carpets, walls, cupboards, ceilings, etc. I wish I had some before and after of my closets - I'm really quite proud of how organized they are now.

But I've skipped over CHRISTMAS... so here are the kiddos Christmas Eve and Day:
We got more snow Christmas Eve (perfect) so you know what that means :)

And running around without a COAT for Cooper - crazy boy. The tempurature was in the teens when he kept running outside - I don't think he feels cold sometimes.

Christmas morning in our humble abode after Santa visited:

I think the biggest hit were the tents for Caroline & Cooper (told you Randy).

Ahh, another succesful holiday. Cooper is already talking about what he wants NEXT Christmas. I'm counting on that he will forget most, if not all, of the items he wants right now.


Jessica McKay said...

I've been thinking of you and your house! I hope that everything goes great with selling your house and the move. Not fun. Not fun at all. Best of luck!

Jessie Riley said...

Exciting times... But do me a favor and try so hard to soak up these last few months of residency... Sounds weird but you will miss it SO Much!